What is


LK Domain Registry has been conducting the BestWeb.LK competition since 2009, and this marks the fourteenth edition of the event.

In today’s digital era, a compelling and efficient website serves as the forefront for any organization. BestWeb.LK stands out as Sri Lanka’s sole web design competition, offering a unique platform to showcase and enhance web presence across the country. This inclusive competition is accessible to all websites with the .lk domain.


Take Part in

BestWeb.LK competition?

  • Winners receive prestigious BestWeb.LK Awards and Certificates.
  • Showcase your victory with the privilege to display the BestWeb.LK winner logo on your website.
  • Enhance client perception, make a lasting impression on companies, validate your interactive budget, generate PR and internet marketing opportunities, and receive valuable feedback on the advancement of your website development.

How to


To proceed with your application, please click on the “APPLY NOW” button or log in to rs.domains.lk and submit your application. If you already possess an account, simply log in. However, if you’re a new customer, please create a new account. If you’re not listed as the Registrant, Admin, Billing, or Technical contact for the domain, a confirmation email will be sent to the Registrant and Admin.

They must confirm the application for it to be processed. Additionally, gov.lk, sch.lk, and ac.lk websites can also utilize the registration system for submissions. For these domains, an authorized individual must provide a sealed and signed letter, which can be either emailed to [email protected] or uploaded to the system, to process the application. Please review the Terms and Conditions to ensure your website complies with the evaluation criteria.

This year, there’s a fixed application fee of Rs. 2,500. Note that certain categories are exempt from this fee. Please visit the categories page to determine if your category requires payment.

Double Recognition:

TopWeb.LK and BestWeb.LK Dual Triumph

BestWeb.LK is an annual competition, while TopWeb.LK is conducted monthly by LK Domain Registry. Both BestWeb.LK and TopWeb.LK share the common goal of elevating the standards of “.LK” websites. Participating in TopWeb.LK can significantly boost your prospects in BestWeb.LK. By securing success in TopWeb.LK, you can be assured of your standing in BestWeb.LK without waiting for another annual cycle. Therefore, we recommend applying for TopWeb.LK to maximize your chances of success.

Progressing to the second stage of advanced evaluation in the TopWeb.LK award scheme from January 2024 to June 2024 provides direct access to the BestWeb.LK 2024 Competition. They will be exempt from reapplying for BestWeb.LK and do not need to pay the application fee again.


Award Categories

Best Advertising & Marketing Website

Best Media, Sports & Entertainment Website

Best Travel & Tourism Website

Best Health & Wellness Website

Best Banking Website

Best Finance & Insurance Website

Best Automotive Website

Best Fashion & Lifestyle Website

Best Technology Website

Best Food & Beverage Website

Best Manufacturing & Industrial Website

Best University & Higher Education Institute Website

Best Education Website

Best School Website

Best e-Commerce Website

Best Government Website

Best Nonprofit Website

Best Personal Website

Best Small and Medium Enterprises Website

Best Micro Enterprises Website

Best Corporate Website

Best Corporate Social Responsibility Website



Feel the

Glamour of BestWeb.lk


Gold Award Winners

Commercial Bank of Ceylon PLC

Overall Gold Winner 2023

Swisstek Aluminium Limited

Overall Gold Winner 2022

Axiata Digital Labs

Overall Gold Winner 2021

National Savings Bank

Overall Gold Winner 2020

MAS Holdings PLC

Overall Gold Winner 2015


Overall Gold Winner 2017

News First

Overall Gold Winner 2018

Laugfs Holdings Ltd

Overall Gold Winner 2019

Mt. Lavinia Hotel

Overall Gold Winner 2014

BestWeb.lk 2024


National Partner

Print Media Partner – Sinhala & English

Print Media Partner – Tamil

Service Partner

Text Messaging Partner

Category Sponsor – Best SME Website

Special Industry Partner and Category Sponsor – Best Advertising & Marketing Website

Special Industry Partner

Special Industry Partner

Print Partner

Text Messaging Partner

Special Industry Partner and Category Sponsor – Best E-commerce Website

An affiliated company of LK Domain Registry

Onera Entertainments – Event Partner

An Affiliated Company of
LK Domain Registry

Exclusive Innovation Partner

Special Industry Partner

Social Media Partner